Painting Kitchen Cabinets

A Step By Step Guide to Painting Cabinets All By Yourself

Have you ever thought of painting kitchen cabinets all by yourself? May be you could not muster up enough courage to start on with this or may be you have done it earlier but were not satisfied with the results.

Here you will get step by step actionable items that you can use right now to get started with your cabinet painting project. So without much ado let’s get going

Step By Step Instructions

Step #1 The first step is to pull the drawers out of the cabinetry. Some may be pulled out easily while others that have hardware attachments need to be taken out carefully.

Step #2 Remove the hinge screws that connect the cabinet door and cabinet face. Use a screw driver to unfasten the screw and then carefully remove the cabinet door and place it on the floor.

Step #3 Unfasten the door knobs, drawer pulls etc using a screw driver. Measure the mounting hole space that will come in handy in case you want to replace the old hardware with new stuff.

Step#4 Wear rubber gloves in your hands. Take a sponge. Prepare a solution of trisodium phosphate and water. With the help of the sponge clean the kitchen cabinet surface using the solution prepared. After cleaning the surface let it dry for some time.

Step #5 Primer attaches better to a coarse surface. Therefore before primer application use a sand paper to abrade the surfaces of the kitchen cabinets.

Step #6 There is one more thing that you must do before you get started with painting your kitchen cabinets. Identify the parts of the cabinet surfaces that are not to be painted. Mask all such surfaces using a masking tape. These tapes shall be removed after the completion of painting.

Step #7 Start painting from the inside of the cabinet. Painting kitchen cabinets from inside is best done by using a small roller that is efficient in painting the corners. It avoids the usage of a brush which can be inconvenient at times.

Step #8 Paint the drawers using a brush. Take special note of the back sides of the drawers which are often neglected. After the painting is over and the color dries out you may remove the masking tape.

Step #9 For painting broad surfaces its better to use a full size paint roller. Follow the end to end approach. For example start rolling it from one end to the other. Full size rollers reduce the time spent in painting a surface and get in a better finish as compared to smaller ones.

Step #10 You may also use a sprayer to paint a cabinet surface. Sprayers are by far the best options if you want to have a great finish and even distribution of color. Please wear a respirator while applying spray as inhaling the constituent chemicals can be hazardous to health.

Step #11 Use a brush to paint the cabinet frame. Similar to the previous approach first paint the interior and then the exterior of the frame. Let it to dry. Reassemble your painted kitchen cabinets. Replace the hardware wherever necessary.

Hope you found that easy enough. Painting kitchen cabinets is not a very tough affair as long as you can convince yourself to spare the required time to take on the project.

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